5 Warning Signs Your Company is Using Outdated Software

We live in unprecedented times where flexibility and the ability to adapt have become of the utmost importance. Businesses have been susceptible to incredible shortages, unforeseen changes, and indescribable risk within the past two years. This all points to the increasing need for up-to-date supply chain software. Companies running outdated software within their businesses put themselves at greater risk for not being able to meet customer demand, being vulnerable to cyber attacks and even possibly great financial loss.
The Importance of Supply Chain Software
Effective business requires the main components of supply chain systems (WMS, TMS or OMS) to be working in synergy. When one area falls short, the rest do as well.
For large projects with multiple facets to organize, human error can be incredibly common. Even more common is using outdated software, which hinders structure instead of improving it.
Keeping outdated software used for organization and fulfilment leaves cracks in a business that could eventually turn into gaping holes. Now more than ever, it is important for businesses to minimize potential risk to focus on what counts, growth.
Warning Signs Your Business is Using Outdated Software
So how do you identify when your business needs a software boost? What are those tell-tale signs before things go sideways? Read below to mitigate your risk and stay on top of your supply chain.
1. You are using software that doesn’t address the unique needs of your business
Companies should look for software that can grow with their business.
Choosing a piece of software that only meets the needs of a portion of the business will not garner long- term success.
If the supply chain software being utilized only meets three out of five requirements for your business, not only is it a waste of expense, but it may also be doing more harm than good. Meeting only the needs of some operations will eventually leave gaps in the system, leaving the company open to many issues.
2. You are utilizing software that isn’t user friendly for all who access it
Across a business, multiple employees need to have access to and fully understand the software they interact with.
If your system happens to be outdated, it will most likely show up in the inability of employees to utilize it effectively. Using an outdated software system allows for human error just as much as a technical error.
3. Your software has little or no data security features
There is nothinw worse for a supply chain organization than the threat of a data security breach.
As a company, you want your finances, employees, customers and therefore data to be as secure and reliable as possible.
Using outdated software means you will be having a higher level of threat risk which can only end up costing a company more in the long run.
4. Your software is not compatible across multiple platforms or cannot easily connect to cloud systems
Are your employees attempting to share data and are constantly finding roadblocks to task completion?
Having your software accessible across multiple viewing platforms and with a saved version in a backup database is a must for today’s supply chain businesses.
It is integral to collaborative work that data be accessible to those who need it when they need it. If your outdated software cannot meet that need, then it is a surefire sign that it is time to upgrade.
5. Your software does not utilize machine learning algorithms to constantly improve
Are you relying on employees to manually take the data from your software and create workflows and forecasts?
With the infallible nature of humanity, it is clear having well-organized software which learns from the data as it takes it in is a must for companies.
Supply chain software of the future should be automated, anticipatory and proactive. Employees should focus on keeping the business growing, not making up for what your outdated software should be doing.
Next Steps
Did any of these warning signs hit home?
Your supply chain management system is as important as your company itself. It is the infrastructure on which the whole mission is built on. As such, it deserves the best supply chain software possible to create accessible, secure and organized systems for your customers, employees and growth.
Enjoyed this article? Here are three more to help you choose the software that’s right for your needs:
Originally published at https://www.porterlogic.com.